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Inca Timeline

Pre-Inca Empire


2500 BC - People in the region began farming potatoes, corn, cotton, and other crops. 


900 BC - The Chavin civilization begins in the northern Andes highlands.


700 BC - The Paracas civilization begins to form.


200 BC - The Chavin civilization collapses.


100 AD - The Nazca civilization, known for the Nazca Lines, begin. These lines form the shapes of large animals when viewed from the air.


800 AD - The Nazca and Moche civilizations come to an end.


1200 AD - The Chimu build their capital city Chan Chan.


Inca Empire


1200 AD - The Inca tribe, led by Manco Capac, founded the city of Cuzco in the Cuzco Valley.


1438 AD - Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui becomes the leader of the Inca. He begins to conquer nearby tribes and expand the control of the Inca Empire. 


1471 AD - Tupac Inca Yupanqui, Pachacuti's son, becomes emperor. 


1493 AD - Huayna Capac, Tupac's son, becomes emperor. The Inca Empire reaches its peak.

Decline and Fall of the Inca Empire


1525 AD - Emperor Huayna Capac dies from smallpox brought by the Spanish conquistadors. A large portion of the Inca also dies from smallpox.


1525 AD - The sons of Emperor Huayna, Atahualpa and Huascar, fight over the crown. The Inca Empire fights a civil war for the next five years.


1532 AD - Atahualpa becomes the emperor. At the same time, Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro arrives in Peru. Pizarro captures Atahualpa and holds him for ransom.


1533 AD - The Spanish execute Atahualpa and install their own Emperor.


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