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Aztec Vocabulary
  1. Aztlan

  2. Calmecac

  3. Canals

  4. Chinampas

  5. Codex Mendoza

  6. Conquistador

  7. Cortez

  8. Coyolxuaqui

  9. Decapitate

  10. Diego Rivera

  11. Eagle on Cactus

  12. Huitzilopochtli

  13. King's Daughter

  14. La Malinche

  15. La llarona

  16. Lake Texcoco

  17. Mestizo

  18. Montezuma

  19. Nahuatl

  20. Pochteca

  21. Quetzalcoatl

  22. Smallpox

  23. Templo  Mayor

  24. Tenoch

  25. Tenochtitlan

  26. Teotihuacan

  27. Tlaloc

  28. Toltec

  29. Valley of Mexico

  30. Wooden stakes

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